Box plot in seaborn

Sample data

Copy the following code to get the data that will be used in the following examples.

import numpy as np
import seaborn as sns
import random

# Data simulation
rng = np.random.RandomState(5)
variable = rng.normal(0, 1, size = 100)
group = random.choices(["G1", "G2", "G3"], k = 100)
group2 = random.choices(["A", "B"], k = 100)
df = {'variable': variable, 'group': group, 'group2': group2}

Box plot in seaborn with boxplot

Passing a numerical variable to the x argument of the boxplot function you can create a box plot in seaborn. Note that your data can be a variable or the column of a data frame.

import seaborn as sns

# Box plot
sns.boxplot(x = variable)

# Equivalent to:
sns.boxplot(x = "variable", data = df)

Box plot in Python with seaborn


If you prefer a vertical box plot you will need to pass your data to the y argument instead of to x.

import seaborn as sns

# Box plot
sns.boxplot(y = variable)

Vertical box plot in seaborn

Fill color

The fill color of the box is blue by default, but can be set to any other color with the color argument of the plotting function.

import seaborn as sns

# Box plot
sns.boxplot(x = variable,
            color = "orange")

Box plot fill color in seaborn

Further customization

Note that the function provides several arguments to customize the graphic. Some of them are highlighted in the following block of code.

import seaborn as sns

# Box plot
sns.boxplot(x = variable,
            fliersize = 10, # Outlier size
            linewidth = 3,  # Lines width
            saturation = 0.95) # Fill color saturation

Box plot advanced customization in seaborn

Box plot by group in seaborn

Box plot by group in Python

Grouped box plot

If you pass a categorical variable and a numerical variable to the function you can create a box plot by group. In case you want an horizontal box plot by group pass the numerical variable to x and the categorical to y.

import seaborn as sns

# Box plot by group
sns.boxplot(x = variable,
            y = group)

Vertical box plot by group in Python


If you prefer a vertical box plot by group switch the arguments, as shown below:

import seaborn as sns

# Box plot by group
sns.boxplot(y = variable,
            x = group)

Order of the groups of the box plot in Python


Note that the order argument controls the order of the groups. If you want to change the default order (based on the order of appearance of the groups on the variable) pass a list to the argument with the desired order.

import seaborn as sns

# Box plot by group
sns.boxplot(y = variable,
            x = group,
            order = ["G1", "G2", "G3"])

Box plot color palette in seaborn

Color palette

The palette argument controls the colors of the box plots. You can pass a predefined color palette, as in the following example, or a dictionary with the colors for each group.

import seaborn as sns

# Box plot by group
sns.boxplot(y = variable,
            x = group,
            palette = "Set3")

Box plot by subgroup using hue in seaborn

Box plot by group and subgroup

Finally, if you provide other grouping variable to the hue argument you can create a dodged box plot, i.e., a box plot by group and subgroup.

import seaborn as sns

# Box plot by group
sns.boxplot(y = variable,
            x = group,
            hue = group2)
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See also