Strip plot in seaborn

Sample data

The following data will be used as reproducible sample data for the following code examples. Copy these lines to get the same outputs of this tutorial.

import numpy as np
import seaborn as sns
import random

# Data simulation
rng = np.random.RandomState(7)
variable = rng.normal(0.5, 2, size = 250)
group = random.choices(["G1", "G2", "G3"], k = 250)
group2 = random.choices(["A", "B"], k = 250)
df = {'variable': variable, 'group': group, 'group2': group2}

Strip plot in seaborn with stripplot

The stripplot function can be used to create strip plots, also known as strip charts, in Python. You just need to input the variable of interest to the function.

import seaborn as sns

# Strip plot
sns.stripplot(x = variable)

# Equivalent to:
sns.stripplot(x = "variable", data = df)

Strip plot in Python with seaborn


If you prefer a strip plot in portrait mode pass the variable to the argument y.

import seaborn as sns

# Strip plot
sns.stripplot(y = variable)

Vertical strip plot in seaborn


By default, the color of the observations is blue, but you can override the default color setting a color with the color argument.

import seaborn as sns

# Strip plot
sns.stripplot(x = variable,
              color = "darkseagreen")

Set the color of the points of a strip plot in seaborn


Note that you can also add border lines to the observations, passing a positive value to the linewidth argument of the function.

import seaborn as sns

# Strip plot
sns.stripplot(x = variable,
              linewidth = 1,
              color = "darkseagreen")

Set the border of the points with stripplot


The default markers are points, but you can choose the desired marker with the marker argument, as shown below.

import seaborn as sns

# Strip plot
sns.stripplot(x = variable,
              marker = "D")

Change the markers of a strip plot in seaborn

Size and transparency

You can also modify the size and the level of transparency of the markers, with size and alpha, respectively.

import seaborn as sns

# Strip plot
sns.stripplot(x = variable,
              size = 10,
              alpha = 0.2)

Change the transparency and the size of the markers of a seaborn strip plot


Finally, the jitter argument is True by default, which adds an optimal level of jitter. You can pass a numerical value to the argument or turn off the jitter setting the argument to False.

import seaborn as sns

# Strip plot
sns.stripplot(x = variable,
              jitter = False)

Strip plot without jitter

Strip plot by group

Strip plot by group in Python

If your data contains a categorical variable representing groups you can also pass it to the function to create a strip plot by group in Python.

import seaborn as sns

# Strip plot
sns.stripplot(x = variable,
              y = group)

Vertical strip chart by group in Python with seaborn


Note that if you pass your numerical variable to y and the categorical to x you will create a vertical strip plot.

import seaborn as sns

# Strip plot
sns.stripplot(y = variable,
              x = group)

Change the color palette of a strip plot

Color palette

The color palette can be set with the palette argument. You can pass a named palette or a dictionary with colors for each group.

import seaborn as sns

# Strip plot
sns.stripplot(y = variable,
              x = group,
              palette = "Set1")

Change the order of the groups of the strip plot


You can also override the default order of the groups with order.

import seaborn as sns

# Strip plot
sns.stripplot(y = variable,
              x = group,
              order = ["G3", "G2", "G1"])

Strip plot with two groups in seaborn

By group and subgroup

Note that if you have another categorical variable you can pass it to hue to create a strip plot by group and subgroup.

import seaborn as sns

# Strip plot
sns.stripplot(y = variable,
              x = group,
              hue = group2)

Dodged strip plot in Python

Dodged strip plot

In the previous scenario, you can set the dodge argument to True, so each subgroup will be displayed separated from the other.

import seaborn as sns

# Strip plot
sns.stripplot(y = variable,
              x = group,
              hue = group2,
              dodge = True)
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