Calendar heatmap in matplotlib with calplot




Tom Kwok

Sample data

Consider the following sample data for this tutorial, where each day between 2020-01-01 and 2023-06-30 is represented by a single value.

import numpy as np; np.random.seed(1)
import pandas as pd

# Sequence of dates
days = pd.date_range('01/01/2020', periods = 1277, freq = 'D')

# Pandas time series with random data for each day
values = pd.Series(np.random.randn(len(days)), index = days)

Calendar heatmap with calplot

In Python you can make use of the calplot library to create calendar heatmaps. This library is an update of the no longer maintained calmap library, providing easier customization in addition of new features.

In order to create the calendar you just need to input your pandas time series with data for each day to the calplot function, which will plot all the years provided on your data. Note that the suptitle argument can be used to add a title to the figure and can be customized passing a dict to suptitle_kws.

import calplot
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

                suptitle = 'Calendar',
                suptitle_kws = {'x': 0.5, 'y': 1.0})

Calendar heatmap in Python

Years in descending order

By default, years are presented in ascending order, but you can reverse the order by setting yearascending = False.

import calplot
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

calplot.calplot(values, yearascending = False,
                suptitle = 'Calendar with years in descending order', 
                suptitle_kws = {'x': 0.5, 'y': 1.0})

Matplotlib calendar with years in descending order

Plot only one year

If you want to specify just one year you can use the yearplot function and use the year argument. However, we recommend you to use calplot and filter your data, as calplot wraps yearplot and the output is more customizable.

import calplot
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Recommended approach with calplot:

# With yearplot:
calplot.yearplot(values, year = 2021)


Github style contributions calendar in Python based on matplotlib

Remove the legend

Note that you can remove the legend if you wish setting colorbar = False.

import calplot
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

calplot.calplot(values, colorbar = False)

Calendar made with calplot without color bar


The default color palette of the heatmap ('viridis') can be customized with the cmap argument. In the following examples we will be using the 'Spectral_r' color palette.

import calplot
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

calplot.calplot(values, cmap = 'Spectral_r')

Customize the color palette of the Python calendar heatmap

Color of the missing values

If your data contains missing values they will be colored in light gray by default. However, you can customize this color with the fillcolor argument.

import calplot
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

calplot.calplot(values, fillcolor = 'orange', cmap = 'Spectral_r')

Color of the cells of the Python calendar without data

Color of the lines dividing the months

The lines dividing each month are gray by default, but you can customize its color making use of the edgecolor argument, as in the example below.

import calplot
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

calplot.calplot(values, edgecolor = 'black', cmap = 'Spectral_r')

Color of the lines of the months in calplot

Color of the lines dividing the days

The color of the lines dividing each day can be set using linecolor. In addition, the linewidth argument, which defaults to 1, can be used to customize the width of the lines.

import calplot
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

calplot.calplot(values, linecolor = 'green', linewidth = 1,
                cmap = 'Spectral_r')

Color of the lines of the Python heatmap calendar


Day labels

The default day labels are the abbreviated day names in English. You can customize these labels passing a list to the daylabels argument of the function. In addition, you can also remove some day labels with dayticks passing a list of ints specifying which days to label.

import calplot
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

calplot.calplot(values, cmap = 'RdBu',
                daylabels = ['Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 
                             'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday', 'Sunday'])

Day labels of the matplotlib calendar

Month labels

Similar to day names you can also customize the month labels, but in this case with the monthlabels and monthticks arguments of the calplot function.

import calplot
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

calplot.calplot(values, cmap = 'RdBu',
                monthlabels = ['January', 'February', 'March', 
                               'April', 'May', 'June',
                               'July', 'August', 'September',
                               'October', 'November', 'December'])

Month labels of the Python calendar

Year labels

The year labels that appear on the left can be removed setting yearlabels = False. You can also customize its size, color or other properties of the texts passing a dict to yearlabel_kws.

import calplot
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

calplot.calplot(values, cmap = 'RdBu',
                yearlabels = True,
                yearlabel_kws = {'fontsize': 15, 'color': 'red'})

Customizing the year labels of the heatmap calendar made with Python

Cell labels

Finally, note that you can also add the corresponding values to the cells specifying a format to textformat. Recall that you can also set a custom text for cells without data and change the color of the texts with textcolor.

import calplot
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

calplot.calplot(values, cmap = 'RdBu',
                textformat = '{:.0f}', textfiller = '-', textcolor = 'black')

Adding labels to each day of the heatmap calendar made with matplotlib

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